This morning, the United States Supreme Court handed down its decision in Young v. United Parcel Service (Case No. 12-1226). The case addressed whether, and in what circumstances, employers are required to provide workplace accommodations for pregnant employees with medical limitations. Seems obvious, right? Wrong. Workplace accommodations are required for employees who are disabled under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAAA). Common accommodations include: flexible work schedules, tele-commuting, intermittent leave, and ergonomic work space furniture. But pregnancy is not a "disability" under the ADA…..
Same-Sex Couples Now Covered by FMLA
The Department of Labor has issued new FMLA Regulations on the definition of ‘Spouse’ - same-sex couples whose marriages are recognized in the "place of celebration" (i.e., the state or country in which they were married) are now afforded the same family leave protections as other couples under the Act:…